The Michael Clements Mini Loan Program applies to Neighbors in Need within the three
Fullerton parishes of St. Mary’s, St. Juliana Falconieri, and St. Philip Benizi Catholic Churches.
This program targets those most at risk of becoming homeless or unhoused. The strategy is to
help Neighbors in need gain control of their spiraling debt or provide the necessary funds for
housing rental deposits. These Neighbors in need must verify a monthly income based on
employment to repay the loan and accept training in financial literacy that includes budgeting.
Participation in the mini loan program does not exclude them from other St. Vincent de Paul
charities that include food, vouchers, utilities, car registration, or auto repairs.
The Neighbors in Need are identified during food pantry distributions and by referrals through
friends and neighbors, landlords, city outreach coordinators, police, and the parish community at
large. Direct contact and briefings as well as flyers will be used to communicate and update
these groups.